Cervical spine special tests

Valsalva test Procedure: The patient is seated with the thumb in the mouth and attempts to push the thumb out by blowing out hard. Assessment: The pushing increases the intraspinal pressure, revealing the presence of space-occupying masses such as extruded intervertebral disks, tumors, narrowing due to osteophytes, and soft tissue swelling. This leads to radicular …

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Regain full physical, psychological and social status Optimize long-term prognosis To promote and implement secondary prevention measures Exercise training, education sessions, psychosocial support and support/counselling for patient and family in acute phase, out-patient care and long-term follow-up. Decrease cardiac morbidity and relieve symptoms Risk modification and secondary prevention Decrease anxiety and increase knowledge and self-confidence …


Dr.Srini – Wanna know the relation between your Back pain

Wanna know the relation between your Back pain & your wallet? Come check it out here………Dr.Srinivas (P.T) Head Of the Branch Spectrum Physio Pvt Ltd (Kaggadasapura Branch) BangaloreBack Pain……Back Pain is a one of the commonest conditions for the people who indulged this current corporate life style and also by mingling into this robotic life. …

Dr.Srini – Wanna know the relation between your Back pain Read More »

Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation (GVS) And Balance Rehabilitation.

Galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS) refers to the process of applying small electric currents (approximately 1.0 ma) to the mastoid processes behind the ears, which stimulates the primary vestibular afferents of the inner ear.This serves to modulate continues firing levels of the vestibular afferents causes a standing subject to lean in different directions depending about the …

Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation (GVS) And Balance Rehabilitation. Read More »

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