Recent advances in physiotherapy for OA knee with current evidence based studies

OA (Osteo Arthritis) knee is a leading cause of pain and disability, which reduces the quality of life. The burden of the disease is expected to rise with an aged population and the increasing prevalence of obesity (Felson, 1). OA knee has been also a major cause of disability in older population.
Basically, OA knee is caused due to cartilage destruction. This cartilage loss is accompanied by bony remodeling which happens due to irregular body weight, capsular stretching which happens due to loading and unloading of joint and weakness of muscles in and around joints (Felson, 2). The cartilage destruction which occurs with OA is highly related due to disruption at cellular or molecular level rather than any other cause of external influence such as infection due to disease or recurrent trauma to joints due to falls or overuse of joints (Loeser, 3).

OA knee has 5 stages where the joint and the structure undergo changes. These stages are:

The physiotherapist’s are among such professionals who can definitely help with initial stage of OA knee and can prevent the arthritic changes to occur for a longer duration.
Recent studies have shown the quality of knee could be improvised with physiotherapy provided the early diagnosis of OA knee. Studies have shown that with physiotherapy intervention and treatment such as modalities, which are machine-based physiotherapy, exercise therapy along with posture correction, proprioception and gait training the severity of OA progression and intensity of pain can be reduced among patients (4,5). Physiotherapy modalities such as Ultrasound (UST), IFT, SWD has definite effect on knee pain and discomfort when treating early stages of OA knee.The UST and IFT along with adjacent therapy such as exercise and posture correction are fruitful to get overall good outcome from the treatment. The UST has pulsed mode which is an intervention used to improve joint pain and improve joint movement quality in subjects with OA knee. The studies have shown the efficiency of treating OA knee is significant with initial mild to moderate stage of OA knee (6,7,8)
Exercise therapy includes the stretching, strengthening, and improve joint sense to maintain balance with activities. Stretching includes the stretch of muscle in and around knee joint. This improves flexibility of knee and activities such running, bending while stair climbing and squatting and others can be done efficiently. Strengthening includes of the muscle which are weak across the joint. This also includes the hip and ankle joint as well when treating the knee joint. The stretching and strengthening exercise would be different and unique based on the patient’s needs and will be designed accordingly by the physiotherapist based on his/her assessment (9,10).
The proprioception and gait training is an important parameter to treat in OA knee. The proprioception which is called joint sense, where the patient tends to understand the position of the joint movement is usually disturbed in OA knee patients. Gait which is the walking pattern is also disturbed in OA knee patient due to knee pain, obesity, malalignment (i.e., misalignment of bone segment on one over the other) of the bone are some reasons (11). Proper footwear correction through assessment can correct the malalignment of bone per studies which can also correct the knee and foot alignment and whereby prevent foot and knee pain problems (12).
Thus physiotherapy is definitely a treatment of choice in treating OA knee as a conservative mode of treatment. This also helps to prevent and delay severe arthritic changes and helps in betterment of knee if treated early. Hence, PT modalities and exercise are first treatment of choice among various conservative treatments per recent advances in healthcare. The overall physical and functional outcome is improved in patient with proper strengthening and muscle conditioning when followed physiotherapy protocol on regular basis.


Consultant Physiotherapist
Spectrum Physio (Kaggadasapura)
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